Coffee culture in Colombia

Coffee culture in Colombia

The world already knows that Colombian coffee is delicious, but do locals and foreigners know where this delicious flavor comes from? So that you can enjoy your next cup of Colombian coffee even better, here you'll learn everything you need to know about Colombian Coffee.


Why is Colombian coffee so good?

Colombia is right in the middle of the world on the equator, that is why every day it enjoys sunlight for a long time, in addition to the favorable tropical climate and the typical geography of the Andes. All these advantages are what provide the Colombian soil with the necessary nutrients to harvest coffee in the high mountains.

That is why it is not surprising that although in Colombia there is only one species of coffee — Arabica coffee — there are multiple varieties of it that are known for their high quality in a delicate production process.

The coffee zone is more than Salento , Quindío, Caldas and Risaralda

There are 20 departments that consider themselves coffee farmers in Colombia. In an area of ​​3.3 million hectares, 921 of them are planted with coffee. There are 588 municipalities that produce one of the best coffee in the world in various varieties that can be distinguished by their Origin.

Colombian coffee is defined as a clean cup, with medium / high acidity and body and with a pronounced and complete aroma. In the country today there are 4 Denominations registered according to the origin of its production:

Cauca Origin Coffee

The mountainous and volcanic region of the Colombian Massif make Cauca the optimal setting for 95,000 coffee growers to harvest a high altitude coffee, soft and rich in nutrients with a characteristic pronounced caramel aroma. Cauca Origin Coffee is a silky drink, with medium / high acidity and medium body.

Santander Origin Coffee

The mild / dry climate and high solar radiation make this pioneering coffee growing department a perfect place to produce a pronounced coffee aroma and fragrance, medium acidity and high body. In addition, the native forests of the area give herbal notes and citrus sensations to this delicious drink from 69 municipalities in Santander.

Huila Origin Coffee

Fertile valleys and snow-capped volcanoes offer the necessary nutrients so that coffee can be grown throughout the year in this department. 67 000 coffee growing families produce the Huila Origin Coffee, characterized by its strong aroma, its medium / high acidity and medium body.

Antioquia Origin Coffee

In this area of ​​geographic and climatic diversity, 92 000 coffee-growing families produce a small range of coffee on small plots characterized by its unique flavor. Antioquia Coffee of Origin is recognized for being a soft drink with sweet notes, a slight sulfur and herbal aroma and acidity and medium body.

Source: www.colombia.com

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